Hannah chats to us about yoga and what her practice means to her


1. long have you been practicing yoga for?

I’ve been practicing yoga on and off for around 5 years but really only started regularly attending classes when I moved to Glasgow and found Studio 70 around 2 years ago.

2. What keeps you coming back to your mat every week?

Yoga really feels like a time for me to connect with my body and give it what it needs, whatever that may be. I love the combination of feeling really relaxed and de-stressed but at the same time energised and strong after a yoga session. In contrast to other types of exercises classes that I’ve attended in the past, I feel like I am able to develop a more conscious and controlled way of moving my body, working on that core strength rather than isolated muscle groups.

3. What aspects of your yoga practice are you focusing on at the moment?

At the moment I am really trying to figure out what correct alignment in certain positions feels like. In particular, I'm trying to slow my chaturanga down and really take the time to come down and into upward dog, because I think this is a sequence I tend to rush through, shying away from the challenge of going down too far into low plank.

4. What advice would you give to someone who’s thinking about trying yoga for the first time?

I would challenge them to approach a yoga class like a personal exploration rather than a gym class in which the teacher gives you instructions you have to follow. So try not to take yourself too seriously, approach your yoga practice with a sense of humour and a sense of curiosity and give yourself the allowance to take different options in class and to figure out what works for yourself and your body.

5. Why do you come to Studio 70?

I love the inclusive atmosphere at studio 70. I always feel totally comfortable doing my thing in classes and not worrying about how I look or whether I'm doing the same thing the person next to me is doing, which I think is as a result of the atmosphere of non-judgement the teachers create. Personally, I also feel that the classes strike a nice balance between the spiritual aspects of yoga practice and the more physical aspects (giving you a good workout).

6. What’s your favourite yoga pose?

I’ve always loved fallen triangle as any kind of side stretch always feels so cleansing to me. At the moment in particular although I find them very challenging, I’m enjoying working on my strength and balance in poses like dancer’s pose or warrior three.

7. Tell us one fun fact about yourself!

I love singing jazz and blues!


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