Studio 70

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Working with the Lunar Phases

We love to work with the cycles of the moon. It’s a great way to connect with nature and the natural rhythm of our bodies. A lunar month is the time it takes for the moon to go from new back to new again and lasts around 29.5 days. Here is my guide on how to work with each phase of the moon.

New Moon

This is the beginning of the cycle which lasts around 3 days. It’s a fortnight to the full moon from here.

This is a great time to set intentions and affirmations for the coming month. Use meditation to visualise your ideal daily life or create a vision board.

Waxing Crescent

 The next phase which starts 3 days after the new moon, lasting 4 days.

 This is a time of closure, release anything that you don't want or need during this cycle. I enjoy practices such as simhasana (lions breath) to do this.

 Use this time to plan how you can bring your new moon visions to life, repeat your affirmations or intentions and use meditation to visualise what you want.

First Quarter

We're a week after the new moon and a week away from the full moon.  As the moon gets bigger we might feel more energised and inspired. Notice synchronicities and be open to what appears around you. Watch out for negative self talk and doubts.

This is a good time to recommit to your vision and dreams. Try writing your intentions and affirmations down and leave them where you can see them. For example, at your desk or on your fridge. A dynamic and open yoga practice such as vinyasa flow might feel good. I enjoy postures  like half moon (ardha chandrasana) during this time.

 Waxing Gibbous

We are 10 or 11 days after the new moon and this point takes us up to the full moon. Balance the feminine energy of the moon with a yang yoga practice such as vinyasa flow and energising breath work such as ujjayi pranayama. Use this time as a last push of energy to get things done and note any challenges that might arise.

Full Moon

The full moon takes place a fortnight after the new moon and lasts for 3 days. It's also a fortnight to the the new moon. We're at the halfway point of the lunar cycle.

It’s the peak energy time of the month. Depending on whether you have been in your flow or fighting against it you will either feel completion or emotionally frazzled.

This is a time of reflection, where you may either celebrate a goal or see what had stopped you from getting to where you want to be. Use this time to practice moon salutations, celebrate your success, get clear on what has held you back and what you want to release. I love to Journal at this time.

Waning Gibbous

Begins 3-4 days after the full moon, lasting around 3 days. The moon begins to lose her fullness during this time.

You might feel a slight dip in energy during this time. Use the drawing inwards energy of the waning moon to process the experiences you've had during the cycle. Journal to  reflect on what has held you back. This might also  be a time to have difficult conversations with others.

It's a time to think about how you can begin to shed, release and surrender. Introducing some yin yoga postures at the beginning and end of your yoga practice can help us to surrender. I love to practice Swan or Caterpillar with a bolster during this time.

Waning Last Quarter

We're a week away from the new moon. This phase starts a week after the full moon and lasts 4 days. 

As the moon gets smaller, we settle more into this period of surrendering and letting go. Draw on what you've learned during this cycle. This is the time where we do the real work around releasing what isn't helping or serving us. It is important to be kind to yourself and recognise it can take time to release just as it takes to manifest.

 Restorative and Yin Yoga are great practices to engage in as they support us to release on a physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual level. It's a good time to finish things off, think about what your not ready to release and make decisions for your future.

Waning Crescent (Dark Moon)

This starts around 10-11 days after the full moon, taking us to the new moon. The moon is barely visible during this time.

The end of the cycle and a time of closure. It's also a time for us to reset and release what we don't want or need to take into the next lunar month. If you are realistic where you are in this moment you can decide on whether you're on the right path with a situation.

The dark moon is a powerful time for healing, where we can retreat from the outside world to rest, engage in self care and self enquiry.

This phase helps us to set the theme for the rest of the month ahead. It is also a time to decide what intentions you want to set at the new moon. Shamanic Journeying, meditation and relaxing in a hot bath are all practices I personally enjoy at this time.

Michelle is the co owner of Studio 70. She teaches Yin and Flow Yoga and also offers Shamanic Healing.